Tearful Woman Makes Her Way Through Disneyland Before Proposal From Boyfriend Who Worked In Park With Her | Happily TV

2023-09-11 2

A woman who met her boyfriend while working at Disneyland together received a beautiful surprise when she made her way through the park on a scavenger hunt to discover him waiting to propose. Cynthia Robinson, from Riverside, California, met her then-boyfriend Ricky after being hired as a cashier at the resort in 2013. The pair soon became an item, working together on Main Street and in the Jolly Holiday Bakery, Coke Corner, and Gibson Girl Parlor. They later transferred to table service restaurants before ending their employment with The Walt Disney Company in 2018. Despite no longer working there, the park still had a special place in Cynthia and Ricky's hearts, and on their 5th anniversary as a couple, Ricky said he had a full day of surprises planned for Cynthia. He not only booked a table at the park's exclusive Club 33 restaurant but also reached out to former colleagues on Facebook, asking if they could help with the biggest surprise. Once inside the park, Cynthia, 29, was greeted by a friend, who held up a poster of Ricky, 34, with a loving note, which informed the former Disney worker she was about to go on a hunt for more clues. As she made her way through the park, old co-workers gave more and more clues before Cynthia reached the final stop: the riverboat ride. Former colleagues helped get Cynthia’s friends and family into the park, and someone in guest relations helped briefly stop the Mark Twain Riverboat ride so the final surprise could take place. It was there that she climbed some steps and discovered Ricky, surrounded by friends and family, ready to get down on one knee and pop the question. **NOTE: Some clips have no sound**